Everything you need to know about ultimate frisbee in two minutes
If you only watch one video in your life about frisbee, make it this one.
Credits (and kudos): Diabolic Heaven — a club team from Hasselt, Belgium.
A video primer by the Wizards
Check out our video to learn more about how we play.
The rules of ultimate
The World Flying Disk Federation (WFDF) establishes the rules of ultimate. Here’s the WFDF rules page with an overview of the rules, and links to download the full set of rules in multiple languages.
Rule 1. Spirit of the Game
Ultimate frisbee is self-refereed. The players make the decisions. The first rule of ultimate is the “Spirit of the Game”. At the Wizards, we try to put that into practice every time we come together, and make Spirit a core element of the game, for each player and for our teams.
The five core principles of Spirit of the Game:

Here’s what the WFDF rules of ultimate say about Spirit of the Game:
1.1. Ultimate is a non-contact, self-refereed sport. All players are responsible for administering and adhering to the rules. Ultimate relies upon a Spirit of the Game that places the responsibility for fair play on every player.
1.2. It is trusted that no player will intentionally break the rules; thus there are no harsh penalties for inadvertent breaches, but rather a method for resuming play in a manner which simulates what would most likely have occurred had there been no breach.
1.3. Players should be mindful of the fact that they are acting as referees in any arbitration between teams. Players must:
1.3.1. know the rules;
1.3.2. be fair-minded and objective;
1.3.3. be truthful;
1.3.4. explain their viewpoint clearly and briefly;
1.3.5. allow opponents a reasonable chance to speak;
1.3.6. resolve disputes as quickly as possible, using respectful language;
1.3.7. make calls in a consistent manner throughout the game; and
1.3.8. only make a call where a breach is significant enough to make a difference to the outcome of the action.
3 key points of WFDF rules of ultimate
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