WizMixed is one of the Wizards’ two mixed teams. Men and women train together all year round to compete at the highest level in national, European and world championships.
In 2018 WizMixed had the honour of taking part in the World Club Championship in Cincinnati, with a selection of the best mixed teams in the world.
To join one of our teams, check out the practice times or contact us at info@wizards.ch.
Swiss Championship: 5th place – 200+ photos by Ingeborg!

Swiss Championship: 4th place
European Club Championship (final round): 11th place
World Club Championship: 43rd place
Swiss Championship: 2nd place
European Club Championship (qualifying round): 5th place
July 2018 – Wizards @ Worlds
From 13-21 July 2018, 22 players and their coach, Em, spent an amazing week at the World Club Championship. After preparation tournaments at Windmill (Amsterdam) and Talampaya (Geneva), we went to meet some of the world’s best mixed teams.
We played matchs against clubs from Australia, Singapore, Great Britain, France, Canada, India, Kenya, Switzerland and Spain, and felt like we were part of the global ultimate community. In all, 3000 players from 128 teams were in Cincinnati that week – and we were part of it!
Alban Bordeaux 🇫🇷 Calvin Schenk 🇨🇭 Estelle Rivière 🇫🇷 Giacomo Tenaglia 🇮🇹 (captain) Hassan Oualit 🇲🇦 Ingeborg Kuijlaars 🇳🇱 Jake Simon 🇺🇸 Jenna Naef 🇺🇸 Lucie Pocha 🇩🇪 Marion Davezies 🇫🇷 Pascal Bienz 🇨🇭 Patrick Naef 🇨🇭 (captain) Phoebe Shambaugh 🇺🇸 Raphaël Pieroni 🇨🇭 Ravi Vasudevan 🇺🇸 Sarah Harrison 🇬🇧 Thomas “Cabri” Nicolas 🇫🇷 Valerio Aiello 🇮🇹 Véronique Mayor 🇨🇭 Victor Montaner 🇫🇷 Yannick Galland 🇨🇭 Emily Wisnosky (coach) 🇺🇸 Ron Kubalanza (coach) 🇺🇸Some photos from Worlds